Jaileen 37
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About me

I`m just a normal girl,i laugh a lot. I`m drinking occasionally but i don`t smoke. My friends told me that i`m so funny. I have a good sense of humor. I`m not a very religious person but i do pray before bedtime....hehehe...One thing is for sure I do believe in God all the time.... I`m a music lover.I love country music,rnb,reggae and acoustic . I love to dance,i`m singing but not too good..lol.. I am very adventurous person. I have s strong personality. I want to explore and try new things in this world.... I hate a liar more than anything, i don't need fake people in my life. I am real and honest and I want someone who is the same. If you have any other questions for me just ask and I will tell you anything you would like to know...

Languages English,
Height 152cm (4' 12")
Body type Curvy
Eyes Brown
Hair Black