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Edna 44
United Kingdom
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About me

I am the loving, caring and down to earth type, when i love, i give my whole attention and time,the dating scene sucks and am beginning to despair. There are certain things that I just cannot find in a man. These things bear no relation to men common beliefs. I want a man who can meet my emotional needs. I don't care whether or not he makes decisions. It just isn't a deal breaker. And contrary to common belief, I'm not necessarily looking for a leader. Research suggests that Beta males make better partners and from my own experience, I'd say this is true.My search led me to discover a lot of timeless wisdom that for generations fathers taught their children -- wisdom that is so relevant today. Today's absent father, either from long hours of work or divorce, means many gals grow up without a strong female role model......Here are five of the lessons I learned on my journey for wisdom on what a man in a relationship should be.... I need someone who has conversation skills and who is capable of instigating a conversation even after we've been together for several months/years/decades. Someone who makes an active effort to find out what I think and how I think. I need someone who is interested in my past, in the things I have struggled with and how these have made me the person I am today. And someone who is open about his own struggles, and who is open to me coming to know him completely, and not just the surface personality he presents to the world. Leadership, strength, manliness?

Languages English,
Height 172cm (5' 8")
Body type Slim
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown