Dina 47
Moscow Russia
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About me

a little bit about traveling… I love: In France covertly snobbish foie gras trouble-free life in Florac in France, fresh oysters with hot bread and a glass of cold white wine in a home cafe on the beach house in Bordeaux, the hysterical fuss morning markets in Marseille, haughty primness sellers in Nice, September Penmarshe wave, 5th district of Paris with his midnight desperately happy gatherings… In Spain Madrid with his Baroque men, Valencia with her Calatrava, the coast from Barcelona to Tarragona with his obviously pick up, Barcelona, from beginning to end - this is the first city in which I wanted to move... In England small village in the province for their deliberate average lifestyle with preservation of the traditions of all prim Victorian England, the British - for their failure, for a long time, say in the face, "Go to hell" - when you want it to say, the London Pikins’ Ducks in Chinatown, morning coffee and the joy of unexpected findings on Partobello, Christmas in London with his mood and discounts)) (yes, I'm an ordinary girl who loves shopping!;) - And I am sure that the best shopping in London! But I still was not in New York :))... In Rome ... Each his street, his every square and every his bridge! I adore when, in March begin to bloom wild plums. I adore the frantic green grass at the Villa Borghese in May. I adore the languor of summer mornings in July. I adore August’s emptiness of the city. I even like the winter rains ... Rome, my love... In India ... a country where my heart is at rest. I can stay there indefinitely .. two years ago was my 9 th visit there - and I'm still not bored!)) Bali, Thailand, Singapore, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam - it is my map of Southeast Asia. This is just the beginning! Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, England, Spain, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy is my map of Europe .. And a little bit about me)) this is not what is usually written on similar sites;)) - sorry! but ... I intelligent, focused, attractive, confident, with good sense of humor and clear boundaries, sometimes capricious, sometimes selfish, often giggly and quick off the mark sufficient vital and real young woman 36 years old who is temporarily bored) If you've read soo far ... Welcome!)) The most important thing in human - a good sense of humor!

Languages English, Belorussian, Italian,
Height 160cm (5' 3")
Body type Slim
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown