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Deiniris 38
Costa Rica
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About me

I'm a Barefoot Girl who enjoys the nature very much. i love traveling and learning about new experiences and cultures. How I became a barefooter? In my early childhood i hated shoes, they didn't feel right, so i mostly walked bare. I remember at my grandmothers place, when it was raining outside, how i loved jumping barefeet into big puddles of water and spin around like crazy! later in my school time, when my feet started to grow, shoes again became uncomfortable, because of my natural high arches.. As school finishes and time to look for a job is starting, with the presure of sociaty and its standarts, scared me to continue my habit.. Even in my freetime i neglected to be barefoot, because i was terrified of the looks and stares i would get in public of the megapolice called Moscow.. Through travel i discoverd about freedom of spirit and now not care anymore about what anyone think about me. Beeing barefoot is fun, free and comfortable. plus the health benefits and sharpening of the senses. After every winter my soles get soft, because it is unhealthy to be barefoot by too cold tempratures. So every spring when it gets warmer outside, i'm looking forward to take my shoes off. but that was in Moscow. now i'm in Costa Rica 24/7 barefoot! :D Gravel on the street can be quit sharp sometimes and hurt me, but over a short time my soles start to be rough and tough again. Going step by step is the best training. Having hard soles replaces the use of shoes, it is living leather, it does not feel heavey or unflexible. I notice how people look at my lifestyle with disbelieve sometimes, but i let them have their thoughts. sometimes i even get compliments from nice gentlemans. My Family and friends of course know about my hobby and lifestyle and i have their full support. Since i refuse to work labor for the system, there are no supiriers anymore who would say anything against it. I go bare feet my way with love and peace in my mind. Hope you will soon join me ;) kiss kiss

Languages English, Belorussian, German, Spanish,
Height 160cm (5' 3")
Body type Slim
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown