Ervina 37
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About me

If you are poor, world claims you are cursed.... If you are rich, world claims you are corrupter... If you cry, world claims you to be melancholic.... If you laugh, world claims you to be arrogant.... if you do good deeds, world claims you doing it insincerely.... If you do a mistake, world judge you & bring up all your mistakes in the past... If you fail, world claims you as a loser... If you succeed, world questions your strategies... Even if you stay silent, world claims you apathetic! Every decision has its own risk. Being neutral is a decision also. You will slowly die if you're trying to run away from the risks & trying to live according to people's opinions! Life is yours! Make sure that it is you behind the wheel, and not the people's opinion who are simply jealous to see you succeed in achieving things they can't!

Languages English,
Height 163cm (5' 4")
Body type Average
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown