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Sky 51
Sector claimed by Norway Norway
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About me

A friend once described me as having the "Three B's" when I asked him what he meant, he said and I quote " Beauty, Brains and balls " Don't get me wrong, I am not full of myself, I just know whom I am and what it is that I want from life.I am a strong willed yet easy going person. I love spending my free time doing things that are both pleasurable for me and those around me.I'm generous to a fault yet am not stupid. My hobbies are diverse according to my state of mind. My principal dream would be to own my own fleet of trucks and industrail equipment.My secondary dream would be to alleviate hunger and all kids the right to a decent education.My third dream would be to be happy with my siblings,life and partner. The order in which this was written is done in a practical manner cos to be happy,one has to be financially stable,emotionally strong and physically adept. Sides, if dream one comes to past, i can help better alleviate poverty. I travel a lot between the Eu and Africa working on both dreams mentioned above, and I must say that I can see that some impact has been accomplished, however still more to be done.

Languages French, Dutch, Italian,
Height 178cm (5' 10")
Body type Average
Eyes Brown
Hair Black