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Agustina 28
Sector claimed by Argentina/Ch Argentina
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About me

My name is Agustina, I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Argentina. I'm a strong, independent young woman, about to start her studies in laws. I'm really outgoing and love making new friends, especially from all over the world. There's nothing more interesting to me than getting to know different cultures and ways of living. Moreover, I'm always learning new languages. Right now I'm going to Russian lessons! I'm really into arts, specially musicals, theatre, and literature. I spend most of my time reading and rehearsing for some shows, I'm really passionate about that. I read universal literature, and listen to almos every kind of music, but specially rock. Also, I love playing sports and life in nature. Camping, trekking, rafting, tennis, handball, soccer, and climbing are my favourite activities. As a friend, people describe me as a really simpathetic and caring one, though I can be hard on them when I think they are doing things wrong. I always say what I think and stay honest, but above all, loyal and protective. Also, I love making fun of everything, so if you hang out with me, you have to be prepared to laughing at yourself, at me, at life, and every single thing in this world. Even though I'm really down to Earth, I can't help being a dreamer. I have really high expectations from life, and strong values and beliefs. I just want to meet interesting people and maybe plan a trip together! Searching for adventure.

Languages English, Spanish, Italian,
Height 168cm (5' 6")
Body type Athletic
Eyes Green
Hair Brown