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Tracy 37
United States Minor Outlying I United States
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About me

I have the best sense of humour going, seriously, but at times I'm really emosh so, that's not great ha.I love blue eyes and wish I had them, do receive a lot of eye compliments though so suppose that's good lolll. Get pissed off easily and there are so many stupid things that people do that make me wanna scream. Love going abroad and getting a siccck tan. Did I just wrote sick? I actually love other peoples culture . I'm shy but when I get to know people who have similar interests/personality traits then it all goes smooth.I love media-related things and miss doing it. I'm too chilled and laid-back really, nothing phases me and I rarely have negative thoughts. Been through some shitty times, been treated a bit shitty by shitty people in the past but then again there's always gonna be people worse off. Excited for christmas, yes. I think the world is awful. Stories my dad tells me about growing up in the 80s sounds amazing compared to now to be honest. Technology is taking over which is not good. If people spell things wrong I will always correct them, annoying? No. I am not usually a waffler but this is enough, jesus. Oh I think tattoos are overrated. I haven't really traveled but would love to be a travel buddie and maybe more.Laters, bye, holla.

Languages English,
Height 173cm (5' 8")
Body type Slim
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown