Verified member
Ally 19
Dar es Salaam Tanzania
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About me

I am 19 years old (gonna turn 20 on Nov) who's living in this ordinary world with my family enjoying the little things that happen in life. I love meeting with people and get to know about them, I do all sorta things in my life and I like the following... -Plan and carry out a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt for your partner. Go tubing, kayaking, or canoeing together. -Go fruit picking together. Enjoy a candlelight dinner together at your home or apartment. Dress up! -Go for a bike ride together. -Go bowling together. (Feeling light-hearted? Try “bowling with a twist” --between the legs, on one leg, left-handed, etc.) -Attend a local festival together. -Go chalking—draw weird pictures and funny or encouraging messages on the sidewalk with chalk. (Great idea for college students on campus.) -Draw pictures (or caricatures!) of each other. -Go ice skating. -Visit the zoo together. Which are your favorite animals and why? What animal reminds you of yourself or your date? -Kissing, romance, touching and sex addicted. If you wanna know me more, Dm me at any time!!

Languages English, German,
Body type